At the Center for Community Resilience, we believe fundamental ingredients for community resilience and wellbeing — interconnected systems, authentic community engagement at the decision-making table and equity — are absent in the lives of millions of our children and families.
With this understanding, we have an extraordinary opportunity to get it right.
America's Truth Teaser
America's Truth: Cincinnati

Closing the Wealth Gap: Stakeholder Report
The GWU-based team has worked closely with community and elected leaders over the past three years to develop a framework that outlines a plan to align place-based investments that will close specific economic gaps while also improving health and social outcomes.
In keeping with our commitment to translating science into action, the CCR-EI team is working with public and private partners to develop an implementation strategy. While developed to address specific neighborhood needs in Cincinnati, this team looks forward to replicating this process for cities across the nation.

Equitable Community Partnerships: A Reflection Tool
The Equitable Community Partnerships reflection tool helps teams engaged in community partnerships for research, service delivery, or other projects reflect on how they can make their partnering practices more equitable. The tool consists of five key components or ‘dimensions’ that contribute to equitable community partnerships: Shared Understanding, Collaborative Decision-Making, Meaningful Representation, Reciprocal Partnership, and Respectful Relationships.

Centering Equity in Policymaking
At CCR, we know that policies drive systems. To create equitable outcomes, policies must be intentionally designed and implemented to achieve more just and equitable outcomes. In this guide, we have compiled 10 lessons learned for engaging policymakers and moving them toward solutions that close critical gaps in social, economic, and wellbeing.

Addressing Systemic Inequities: An Evaluation of the Resilience Catalysts in Public Health Program
Resilience Catalysts (RC) in Public Health is a national collaborative of local health departments seeking to eliminate adversity, build resilience, and foster equity. Read this new report to learn about the RC process and how sites implemented CCR’s Community Resilience framework as a Public Health 3.0 strategy to address both adverse childhood experiences and adverse community environments.
Promoting Health and Wellbeing Across the Lifespan: A Call to Action & Webinar Series
CCR, in collaboration with the Institute for Women's Policy Research and the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health, is pleased to release a 2023 national policy agenda to promote health and wellbeing across the lifespan. This comprehensive agenda focuses on the building blocks for health and wellbeing to promote social and economic equity for America's children, families and communities.
Updated Communications & Coalition Building Guide
Acting for equity first requires establishing what it means in your work and how to talk about it in varying contexts. To assist with this, CCR is pleased to release a new iteration of its Communications and Coalition-Building Guide. This latest version offers new frameworks for understanding the roots of inequity, strategies for discussing structural racism as a public health issue, and updated approaches for building community and cross-sector power and political will to foster equity.
Watch the "Centering Equity in Communications & Coalition-Building" Webinar Recording
Introducing our new
Resilience Tree!
The CCR Resilience tree illustrates positive outcomes produced in communities with equitable access to integrated supports that prevent adversity and promote social and economic wellbeing. A companion to our Pair of ACEs tree, the Resilience tree offers a strengths-based approach for coalitions to create a shared vision of what a Resilient Community looks like and develop place-based strategies, and metrics to build environments where children and families thrive.
Watch the "Intro to the Resilience Tree" Webinar
Download: CCR's NEW primer on the Pair of ACEs & Resilience trees - and how to use them (PDF)
Download: CCR's NEW worksheet for the Pair of ACEs & Resilience trees (PDF)
The Pair of ACES Tree
The Pair of ACEs tree illustrates the relationship between adverse childhood experiences, experienced at the individual level within a family, and adverse community environments. The Pair of ACEs tree communicates – in simple terms – the issues we aim to address. By doing so, we are able to engage diverse stakeholders in developing policy goals that support efforts to address adversity rooted in systems and communities.
Trauma, Equity and Resilience:
Fostering Equity
Adverse community environments are the result of policies and practices across multiple systems that were perfectly designed for the place-based inequities they produce. Many of the nation’s poor live in communities of concentrated poverty not by choice, but rather by design – the cumulative result of social and criminal policies enacted over the course of our nation’s history.
Community Resilience Framework
Grounded in cross-disciplinary science, the Community Resilience (CR) Framework demonstrates how cross-sector policies and practices—including in housing, public education, law enforcement, and criminal justice—interact and produce community and population health outcomes.
CCR uses the framework and system dynamics modeling to help local health departments isolate pathways of resilience by highlighting opportunities to disrupt cycles of systemic adversity.
The BCR Process
The BCR Process provides a systematic approach to help communities develop a customized solution to the root cause of inequity and adversity. Community partners across the country are bringing together diverse coalitions to create shared understanding of long-standing inequities, and work across sectors to reform practice, programs and policies to support and build resilience.
CCR 2023 Annual Report
CCR’s body of work represents a global movement built on translational research, authentic community engagement, and the power of community to repair, restore, and build more just and equitable communities for children and families. This past year we harnessed the narratives of communities to build power, weaving stories that are fostering systems change. Download our annual report to hear more about CCR's progress and success using innovative approaches in translational research to work alongside community coalitions and across sectors for long-term systems change.