J. Corey Williams

J. Corey Williams
M.A., M.D.
Affiliate Faculty
Department: Center for Community Resilience
Dr. Williams is a former Washington, DC Public School Teacher, where he taught middle school science and completed a master’s degree in the Arts of Teaching at American University. then completed his medical degree from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. While completing his residency at Yale, he served on the Departmental Diversity & inclusion Committee and helped develop health equity & social justice curriculum for the residency. He completed his fellowship at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia where he served as one of the founding members of the Department’s Diversity & Inclusion Committee. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Medstar-Georgetown University Hospital. He is a child & adolescent psychiatrist with the Wellness in School Environments (WISE) program, where he helps deliver school-based mental health services for children & families. He is the Director of Mental Health Services Innovation for the Early Childhood Innovation Network (ECIN) where he conducts community-based participatory research focused on early childhood development. He is also the Co-Director of Recruitment, Retention, and Climate at Medstar-Georgetown Department of Psychiatry, and co-chair of a national antiracism curriculum initiative entitled, National Anti-Racism in Medicine Curriculum Coalition (NAMCC).